Tuesday, April 17, 2018

What Are Some Quick and Simple COOKING RECIPES?

Saffron Chicken (827857596)
Saffron Chicken  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When you’re strapped for time on any given day, making meals for the family that is easy to complete yet quick to prepare can really make all the difference. If you’re not the best cook or you’re new to prepping meals, it might come as a bit of a challenge. Below, are a few resources you can look to when trying to find something suitable for your family. 


Breakfast is a pretty simple meal time to start with. You can make something as simple as a cheese omelet and toast or something a bit more complex such as a breakfast burrito. Breakfast meals as long as they’re not too intricate can be very easy and quick to prepare. If you’re looking for great breakfast recipes you can easily find them online. One of the best locations to check for the easiest recipes is realsimple.com. They have breakfast recipes that you can check out and even allow the kids to get in the kitchen and help out. You’ll enjoy the ease of the instructions and the quality memories you will share with your little ones. 


Unless you like cold cuts on the daily basis learning a few simple lunch recipes can really make a big difference. Again, lunch is fairly easy to prepare and there are tons of recipes out there. You can do something as basic as adding grilled chicken to a salad or a bit more complex such as a grilled chicken Panini. Whatever your pleasures are for lunch you can find a great deal of them by checking out spoonful.com which has great lunch recipes for those looking to try something new. 


In most cases the most time consuming and complex recipes are for dinner. Finding ways to cut corners while still getting all the health benefits you need can sometimes seem impossible. Dinner requires a lot more prep, ingredients, and skill than typical breakfast or lunch might. However, there are great solutions to cutting down on dinner such as making great crockpot dishes. They can be slowly cooking all day so that you don’t have to lift a finger when you get home that night. You can find some great simple yet quick recipes for your crock pot by checking out cookinglight.com as they have over 100 different crock pot recipes for you to try out. 

Parties/Special Occasions

There are those times when cooking for a larger crowd can weigh you down. Hosting parties or for those special occasions, you don’t just want to cook what you would prepare on any given day. For those looking for quick and simple recipes to entertain their guests, they can find a lot of recipes by checking out delish.com and find great appetizer recipes that will keep your guests happy. 

Cooking does not have to be this long drawn out process if you don’t want it to. While there are times when making everything from scratch and allowing it consume a better part of your day is really soothing, chances are you just don’t have the time to do that on the daily basis. So hopefully these simple recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will help out. 

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